Monday, January 25, 2016

Top 25 Passwords 2015

Passwords are a pain. If they are too simple or obvious, they are useless, too complicated and you may find yourself shut out. Some have simple passwords for websites where security isn't an issue and the real deal when it is. You have to be careful to remember or note down difficult ones, then where do you store them safely? 

So what are the top 25? Bearing in mind some have simple passwords because they are forced to have one on a zero risk site: 

1. 123456 (unchanged) 

2. password (unchanged)
3. 12345678 (up 1)
4. qwerty (up 1)
5. 12345 (down 2)
6. 123456789 (unchanged)
7.  football (up 3)
8. 1234 (down 1)
9. 1234567 (up 2)
10. baseball (down 2)
11. welcome (new)
12. 1234567890 (new)
13. abc123 (up 1)
14. 111111 (up 1)
15. 1qaz2wsx (new)
16. dragon (down 7)
17. master (up 2)
18. monkey (down 6)
19. letmein (down 6)
20. login (new)
21. princess (new)
22. qwertyuiop (new)
23. solo (new)
24. passw0rd (new)
25. starwars (new)

Remember: for important passwords, don't use any of these.

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