Wednesday, July 12, 2023

If Business Was Open & Transparent

What sort of things could we expect if this was the case?

Scenario 1: Phone calling a company and being put on hold.

Message: We are experiencing unusually high traffic volume at present.

Reality: I have rung different days and different times of the day and repeatedly got that message. It's more common than ever in NZ, maybe where you live too.

Corrected message: Your call is not important to us. We intentionally understaff our phone service to save money and also in the hope you just go away and stop bothering us.

Or they could just say: Please hold the line until someone is available.

Summary: I'm sure the reasons for repeated long waits could be many but if it becomes a constant feature, either they cannot find enough staff or are choosing not to. An honest or even a general message would reduce my suspicion.


Scenario 2: A disgruntled customer goes to a TV consumer protection programme.

Problem: After months of getting the run around, despite having a genuine grievance, has had no success.

Reality: The company is only interested in selling. The culture of their business is total disinterest in fixing problems. 

When the programme gets involved: We are so sorry this has happened. We are committed to sorting out problems promptly. We will address this particular case and implement a retraining programme to make sure staff understand our values on this issue.

Summary: Any well run company never has this sort of issue. The fact management is 'shocked' is either they haven't been bothered to make sure the staff are handling problems or they are being disingenuous.


Scenario 3: An investment company is in deep trouble and realises its days or weeks away from going into receivership. 

Reaction: It keeps up an appearance of success and readily accepts more investment despite knowing these last investors will suffer greatly. 

Corrected course: Accept the game is up and stop accepting any more investments. 

Summary: It wouldn't be considered good business practice to be concerned with people possibly losing their life savings. My conscience wouldn't allow me to. 


There would be so many other situations where honesty in business which may come in future installments. If you can think of any, drop a comment here. You don't need to join to comment.