Monday, August 24, 2015

Failed Employment

I tried my hand at window repair but it proved to be a pain.

Then replacing rubber on cars, but to be honest it was tiresome.

I became a machinist making clothes and I thought I was good, but my boss showed me the door. He kept calling me a sew and sew.

I then decided perhaps a suit tailor was my vocation but soon found out it just didn't fit. I guess I wasn't cut out for it.

I then decided an architect was the way to go but my work was anything but top drawer.

I thought plumbing, but with that I wasn't flushed with success. As my boss said I 'plumbed the depths' on that one. It was a pipe dream but it actually left me feeling drained.

He said building could be my thing and I did try, but I just couldn't nail it.

House cleaning was recommended next and I hated it. I was sucked into that one. However I soon left and dusted myself off.

I thought about the army but remembered my dad's words "Do what you promise and never be a gunna".

Then I became a carpet installer but it simply floored me.

So I am at a loss as to what to do next.

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