Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tomato Processor

Occasionally we get a large amount of tomatoes and the issue is what do you do with them. They are such a versatile culinary vegetable (botanically a fruit I know) but to process large quantities is a problem. This is where the contraption below comes in. I got it decades ago when a company representative came to the retail store I worked in and told me how good they were. I obtained one and found it was marvellous.

You cut each piece in half or quarter, feed them in the top and pulp comes out out the front and the skins to the side. Place a provided container for the pulp and another for the discarded portion. You need to put the skins through again to get the last of the juice. Then you can freeze portions of the pulp for when needed.

A fantastic item. I don't know if they still make them as things today are done with machines rather than by hand and you do have to turn a crank handle. It's easy enough to do though. If you do have access to bulk tomatoes and can get your hands on one of these, they are great. They are made in Italy by Velox and I found this link for one (click here), so they still are available.

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