Monday, April 12, 2010


This blog is called Light 'N Funny so the above title may seem somewhat incongruous, or out of harmony with this blogs ethos. However, I intend to keep it suitably positive. Plus I've changed the name to include opinion.

The hatred I refer to is the sort exhibited toward people of a certain nation, race or tribe. It just does not add up and I will explain why. Often people will associate with a person or persons 'different' to themselves and really like them, enjoy their company and generally be upbeat about them. Then later, talking of the people they come from collectively, suddenly express negative and prejudiced feelings. How can you get on with individuals of a nation, race or tribe but dislike the same people as a group? It's unreasonable. This tendency has been used throughout history by those in power to cause war and even unspeakable crimes against humanity.

The solution is to avoid viewing people as groups and accept all of humanity as individuals. Some people you will be drawn to, others not. Some will be extend kindness, others will be unkind and even hurtful. Its not a group of people being kind or otherwise, but only an individual. This is in harmony with the view of our creator, who inspired Peter to write in Acts 10: 34,35 "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right". NIV.

Being open minded about people is uplifting. It shows us to be reasonable and kind. It also breaks down prejudice and intolerance. We should never lump people into categories in order to feel negative feelings toward them collectively. Then we will prove that our hearts are instep with the one who made all of us.

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