Monday, December 26, 2022

Maths & Stats

Abbreviations are part of language. Longer words are made quicker and easier to say. I assume that's why people do it. For example, statistics is fairly consistently pronounced stats although I have seen stat, for example when saying "That's an interesting stat" or using it when referring to a stat sheet. 

Mathematics is treated differently. In most English language countries the term maths is used but in North America and increasingly elsewhere -  when English is being taken over by US culture - math. You may wonder if it's important. If you grow up hearing a word pronounced a certain way and someone says it differently, it can sound grating. I find math grating to my ear. 

Regardless of my ear, one may debate why one way is better or another, yet others may say either is OK. For me just as statistics should be abbreviated to stats and statistic should be stat, mathematics should be maths. Mathematic is rare but if abbreviated, would be math. 

                                      It's a small point and I assume many don't care either way. If you want to know more I suggest you do some research. In other words, do the maths. Ah, that sounds nice.

Picture source here.

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