Thursday, January 29, 2015

Blenheim, New Zealand

Blenheim is the main town in the Marlborough region. It's not too big, but has plenty of stores to choose from and a sunny reputation.

This is the modest town clock in the centre of town but there is a larger one in Seymour Square nearby. The forum and rotunda are somewhat obscured to the right by trees.

This shot looks back the other way and from a height. Looks rather empty today, with just one young lady enjoying the sun.

Main St is not easy to photograph effectively. The hanging baskets look nice.

Just to the north of the city centre is the Taylor River, looking eastward. The new sculpture rotates in the wind, both the leaves spinning and turning over with the wind that the town is famous for. The temporary fencing at the lower right of the photograph contains the new theatre centre.

A closer view of the sculpture.

Here is the theatre under construction. It will seat 700+, and be completed by May 2015.

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