When my parents first arrived in Auckland, New Zealand, they were of modest material means. Immigrants often are.
In due course they needed reliable car for the family. An 850cc Morris Minor was for sale nearby.
The vendor was comfortably well off and was selling it in behalf of his aged mother, who was not able to drive any longer.
A test drive was undertaken and my parents were keen. The only problem was that it was a bit more than they could afford so they explained how much they could pay. This was back in the days when people paid cash or went without. The man replied another buyer was coming later and that he would decide then but he thought they would likely offer more money.
My parents were disappointed because the car was just what they needed, yet they knew it was almost certain that they would be outbid. Later the phone call came to say the car was theirs. They excitedly went to pick it up. The man then said that the other people were able to pay more, but he wanted our family to have it. He said he knew we needed it more, with a young family.
That car served us for many years and proved the ideal car for our us. When my mother later told me what had happened, it became something I never forgot. Sometimes it isn't about money, it's about doing the kind thing. It was a lesson I learned and a principal I live with. Show kindness when you have the power to do so. It's something you cannot put a value on.
My parents were disappointed because the car was just what they needed, yet they knew it was almost certain that they would be outbid. Later the phone call came to say the car was theirs. They excitedly went to pick it up. The man then said that the other people were able to pay more, but he wanted our family to have it. He said he knew we needed it more, with a young family.
That car served us for many years and proved the ideal car for our us. When my mother later told me what had happened, it became something I never forgot. Sometimes it isn't about money, it's about doing the kind thing. It was a lesson I learned and a principal I live with. Show kindness when you have the power to do so. It's something you cannot put a value on.
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