Wednesday, March 2, 2011


First of all, a phobia is "an irrational, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, animals, or people". So a homophobe is someone with an irrational, intense and persistent fear. That's a serious condition. It would produce intense unease, sweaty palms or general sweating, perhaps shaking and panicky feelings. So people who have phobias have a serious medical condition that can only be cured with professional assistance.

Secondly, to disagree with something means to differ; to dislike something means "a feeling of not liking". When people say they disagree with or dislike Gay (homosexual) lifestyles, they are called homophobes. Yet the words disagree or dislike do not have any connection with the word phobia.

So what have we got here? I see it as name calling to silence those who do not see things a certain way. No one wants to be associated with a condition that creates "irrational, intense and persistent fear". Name calling is common among children but not among mature adults. I believe that homosexuality is not normal nor natural. It is a sign of a decadent society. No, I do not have a phobia, but I am simply disagreeing with something. I also do not dislike people I disagree with and I do not dislike homosexuals, but rather their chosen lifestyle.

People disagree with me and my views of life from time to time. As long as it doesn't get personal, I am quite comfortable with that. I certainly will not resort to name calling. After all, that will not change what people think anyway.

I know that at times people who do not fit the 'norm' - as some see it - can become the victims of intolerance. That is unacceptable. However, to defend something by negatively labelling another who does not agree with you is being intolerant in return. That is also unacceptable.

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