I got a new bike the other day. The last one was a good decade old and a four inch nail on the road ruining the rear wheel saw it end its days with me. I would really miss not having a bike. It gives me transport when my better half is using the car. It is cheap to run, gives me exercise too and I enjoy it.
A few days ago, I took my first ride in the farm park behind where we live. It involves a dirt road winding through farmland, some hilly. Sheep and cattle often need to be negotiated, as do gates. Twenty minutes at a fair clip is a good work out for me along the track. Well, I came across a sizable flock of sheep and they duly parted as I approached at reduced speed. When I was going between the last two sheep, one went right and the other left. I then started to accelerate but suddenly one decided to turn and run across in front of me. I ran straight into his stomach and he pulled my wheel to one side. I headed for the gravel track and I did a smart thing. I let myself hit the dirt and didn't worry about the new bike. I had no injury and the bike only a scuffed handle stopper. I was so lucky and the sheep ran off without injury too. They are heavy creatures when you hit them broadside. Stopped me dead.
I plan to return when the incessant rain we have been having leaves. I will look out for the culprit, no doubt with a sheepish grin on his mug. On second thoughts, that might not be enough, as they all seeam to wear one of those. Oh well, next time I will be more cautious as the fickle sheep part. I will certainly be more careful with the cows too, as they weigh considerably more.