Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cockney Rhyming Slang

The term Cockney refers to working class Londoners, particularly those in the East End. Linguistically, it refers to the form of English spoken by this group. Cockneys have devised a slang that is clever but you obviously have to know it to understand what is meant. Below are some examples of the slang, and the meaning follows:

Adam and Eve / Believe
Artful Dodger / Lodger
Ball and Chain / Strain
Butcher's Hook / Look
Cream Crackered / Knackered (tired/broken)
Dog and Bone / Phone
Jam Jar / Car
Jimmy Riddle / Piddle (urinate)
Mother Hubbard / Cupboard
Nanny Goat / Coat
Pork Pies or Porkie Pies / Lies
Rosie Lee / Tea
Sweeney Todd / Flying Squad or Police
Trouble and Strife / Wife

So if the car breaks down then 'Me Jam Jar's Cream Crackered'.

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