Friday, June 26, 2009

The Fastest Moped

A young man buys the fastest sports car he can find. He goes out for a drive and reaches traffic lights and looks down the open road ahead, ready to test how fast it goes.

An elderly man on a moped pulls up along side and leans over to the sports car to admire the interior. The lights change and the young man floors his boot and roars away. He has barely got going when he sees a fast approaching object in his rear view mirror. Zzzzooom. The old man on the moped flies past. Next minute, Zzzzooom. He flies back the other way.

The young man is horrified to think a moped can outrun his expensive car. Then he sees the moped roaring back from behind again. Bang. This time he smacks into the back of the car. The young man stops and gets out to see if the old man’s OK. The super rocket moped is a write off, but old man has survived the impact, albeit a little worse for wear. The young man asks if there is anything he can do as he looks at the old man lying on his wrecked moped.

The elderly man says "Yes, could you unhook my suspender from your side mirror".

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