Thursday, January 20, 2011

Czech Mate

A Pole and a Czech went into the Australian outback. They were by a river and the Czech went to the riverside to wash when a big crocodile swallowed him whole. The Pole ran for help and by chance found a local hunter. They ran to the spot where the Czech had been attacked but in the water there were two crocs.

"The larger one is the male and the smaller the female, so which one is he in" yelled the hunter.

"I think he is in the male" replied the Pole.

The hunter leapt into the river with his knife, killed the female croc, cut it open and pulled out the startled Czech man.

"How did you know he was in the female" asked the Pole. His reply?

“My father always said ‘Never trust anyone who says that the Czech is in the Male’”.

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