Humans think they are clever. We have technology that can do so much to make life more comfortable and extend our life expectancy - for those lucky enough to live in a country with such advances available anyway. It gives people the feeling that anything is attainable to man.
However, imagine if the best scientific brains were brought together in the finest state of the art laboratory. They were given an unlimited budget and told they had an assignment. That was not to invent something new, but just copy from scratch something that is relatively simple and abundant. That thing is a living grass seed. Do you think they could do it? They wouldn't have a chance. These scientists can dissect a seed, examine it and know how it functions but replicate it they could not, nor ever will be able to. It's beyond humans.

When I think of such things, it leaves me humbled and in awe. Awe about how the grass seed and how all things got to be as they are. If the best brains of this world, in a magnificent laboratory, with money no object cannot even start to copy simple things around us, then random chance certainly didn't do it. No, the intelligence behind life on this planet leaves me overwhelmed. When one reaches that state of mind, then one is truly receptive to look upward and worship the One responsible for our existence and the wonders of our earth.
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